Resources for the Road Ahead


Church Planter Reading List. Start here to build a foundation on the essentials of Scripture, strategy, history, theory, soul care, practice, and various tested models.

  • The Gospels
  • The Book of Acts
  • The Forgotten Ways by Alan Hirsch
  • The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
  • Marks of a Movement (eBook) by Winfield Bevins
  • Radical Wesley by Howard Snyder
  • Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton

  • Unforced Rhythms by Gwen Jackson

  • Better Together by Danielle Strickland

Teaching Videos

In partnership with Seedbed and Love Lab, these teaching videos provide practical training for leaders in the field.


Draw wisdom and experience from leading practitioners in church planting.


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