5 Simple Ways

What’s Next? How can we share this mission together? Here are 5 simple ways. 

Pray. We understand that it all begins with prayer. One plants and another waters, but only God can make it grow. Will you join us on the frontlines of church planting through faithful, travailing prayer? Ask our planters how you can sign up for their prayer team.

Give. We are planting 5 new churches this year because of your Kingdom generosity. And we are so grateful for your visionary investment in the grassroots. Will you and your church pray about adding one or more of our plants to your annual budget, missions budget, or a special offering?  

Encourage. Will you become a Barnabas? Pray about adopting one or more of our planting families and become an intentional, consistent source of encouragement to them this year.

Send. Every church can be a sending church. It doesn’t require a large budget or attendance numbers. Could you team up with several other partner churches to co-sponsor a new plant? What is your unique Kingdom gifting? Could you share and send encouragement, leaders, resources, experience, coaching? Is Jesus calling you to send? 

Go. Could Jesus be calling you to plant a church or join a core team?  Are you sensing a stirring for a people or place? Is the Holy Spirit asking for you to take this next brave step of obedience? Reach out or explore our Prayer & Fasting Guide. Let’s discern together.

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